These color combinations go well together:
- Red / black
- Red / navy blue
- Blue / navy blue
- Green / navy blue
- Blue-gray / navy blue
- Steel gray / navy blue
- Black / navy blue
Worsted yarn 18/2, 90% wool 10% polyamide.
This is the yarn we use for the warp in our skirt fabric. If you want the exact same colors as in the skirt for the laced-front sweater (Stimatroyggja), you can choose this yarn.
Choose two colors and place them in the box to the right. If you want a single-color laced-front sweater, then select the same color twice.
If you want a laced-front sweater in three or more colors, send us an inquiry at
Note that this material is for one laced-front sweater.
Tú kanst bara velja tvær litsamansetingar fyri hvørja bílegging.
These color combinations go well together:
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